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Static Charge
So, I changed the Static Charge again.

My main goal was, to somewhat weaken the spell in the early game, while making it more useful in the midgame.

Now I want to know from you guys: did it work? Is better than before, in terms of balance or worse?

To be frank, I have no idea how the current form of Static Charge does in terms of balance, since it's really difficult to estimate the overall effectiveness of this skill.
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I like that the Raider can be played played well with a lower starting range -preferably multibow- now, but 600 AoE on level 5 might be a little too much.

Moreover, since you are reworking this tank, there are 2 things i noticed:
1.) Ricochet can do deal more feedback damage than the basic damage dealt by rapid-fire weapons (especially machine gun and laser - there was a similar problem with deflective armor).
2.) Why does Medivac get a mana bonus on his ulti although having less active abilities?

(bugreport: can't level up by pressing the hotkey q anymore)
Ricohet is awesome (I cant give you any feedback on the static charge i never skill it pass level 2-3 since i have lag lol.
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
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