Tank Icon: Goblin Shredder
Tank Picture: Goblin Shredder
Skill: Metal Stars
Skill: Magnetic Pull
Skill: Goblin Synergy
Skill: Unit-Teleport
Skill: Tank-Cannon
cost hp type speed armor requirements
3000 3000 Ground 310 0 0

Fast ground tank with great utility, that works best with short- or midrange weapons. The ultimate ‘Unit-Teleport’ is one of the best initiatiors in the midgame.

While this tank can be bought at start, it should be prefered to transition to it after a cheaper starting tank and some weapon.

Metal Stars [ Q ]

Active – Instant (Enemy)
Throws metal stars at nearby enemies. Launches a second wave at enemies withing 500 range.

Level Mana Cooldown Range Area Effect
1 7 22 sec. - 800 Deals 100 damage with each wave
2 14 22 sec. - 800 Deals 200 damage with each wave
3 21 22 sec. - 800 Deals 300 damage with each wave
4 28 22 sec. - 800 Deals 400 damage with each wave
5 35 22 sec. - 800 Deals 500 damage with each wave


  • The second wave is launched with a delay of 0.5 seconds

Magnetic Pull [ W ]

Active – Instant (Enemy, Non-Building)
Draws enemy units in range towards your tank. Stuns ground units near you every 1.5 seconds.

Level Mana Cooldown Range Area Effect
1 10 40 sec. - 600*/300** Lasts 2 seconds
2 20 40 sec. - 600*/300** Lasts 3 seconds
3 30 40 sec. - 600*/300** Lasts 4 seconds
4 40 40 sec. - 600*/300** Lasts 5 seconds
5 50 40 sec. - 600*/300** Lasts 6 seconds


  • * Area in which enemy units get drawn towards you
  • ** Area in which ground units get stunned
  • The stun deals 150 damage and lasts 0.6s, does only affect ground units
  • Stuns 1/2/2/3/4 times
  • Enemies are pulled to you with a speed of 80, but they still can move around freely

Goblin Synergy [ E ]

Increases armor by 1 and movement speed by 5% for each nearby hero.

Level Mana Cooldown Range Area Effect
1 - - - 250 +1 Armor / +5% Speed
2 - - - 400 +1 Armor / +5% Speed
3 - - - 550 +1 Armor / +5% Speed
4 - - - 700 +1 Armor / +5% Speed
5 - - - 850 +1 Armor / +5% Speed


  • The Goblin Shredder itself is also counted into this, so a +1/5% bonus is always guaranteed

Unit-Teleport [ R ]

Active – Unit Target (Enemy, Ally)
Teleports a unit and the Goblin Shredder to each other, but the Shredder only teleports half the way. The target gets slowed by 30% for 4s, if it is an enemy.

Level Mana Cooldown Range Area Effect
1 40 40 sec. 800 - Teleports the target towards you
2 50 40 sec. 1000 - Teleports the target towards you
3 60 40 sec. 1200 - Teleports the target towards you
4 70 40 sec. 1400 - Teleports the target towards you
5 80 40 sec. 1600 - Teleports the target towards you


  • Target and Shredder get teleported to 33% of the total distance from Shredder to the target

Skill: Tank Cannon Tank Cannon [ T ]

Passive – Unit Target (Enemy)
Primary tank weapon.

Level Mana Cooldown Range Area Effect
1 - 1 sec. 900 - Deals 60 damage to a random target
2 - 1 sec. 900 - Deals 120 damage to a random target
3 - 1 sec. 900 - Deals 180 damage to a random target
4 - 1 sec. 900 - Deals 240 damage to a random target
5 - 1 sec. 900 - Deals 300 damage to a random target


  • Like any other weapon in the game, this skill is based on phoenix fire
  • If it would be sold as a regular weapon, it would be worth 4050 gold on level 5